Women’s March wrap-up

Year four was a success! Showing up in solidarity with my fellow Jewish women will never cease to energize me. It’s been a whirlwind so I figured I’d make a quick wrap-up of this year’s march in addition to some of the other content from the previous marches.

It’s been an absolute privilege and honor to have been a part of these marches.

Year 1, 2017:

My mom flew down to DC for the day to come march with me. But the crowd was so massive and intense, we barely managed to find each other, until the last hour of the rally.

Year 2, 2018:

My first year with Zioness! I lead this incredible group of Zionesses to the Lincoln Memorial. Our beautiful Zioness signs made their debut.

Year 3, 2019:

JWOC Marching! This year was breathtaking. Jewish Women of Color lead the entire march around the Freedom Plaza and White House. We danced in the streets with Torah scrolls and sang Olam Chesed Yibaneh, We will build this world with love.

Year 4, 2020:

#WomenRising2020! My second year organizing a group of Zionesses, this time as the DC Chapter Leader. It’s an honor to show up with these folks and I loved spending my Shabbat morning with them as proud, progressive, Zionists.