Reflecting on my WERC: Working to End Rape Culture Summit 2018

Today, I had the distinct honor to present a workshop at this year’s WERC (Working to End Rape Culture) Summit at Georgetown. Put on by Georgetown University’s Sexual Assault Peer Educators- SAPEs, this full-day conference centered on sexual violence education and advocacy. Local students, administrators, and community organizations from across the DMV area presented on the topic of sexual assault: its prevalence, its effects, and how we as a collective can work to prevent and respond to it.
I was ecstatic to be presenting on a topic that is very near and dear to me: digital activism and how to sustain a digital movement successfully.
My workshop introduced participants to social media 2.0: how to create and sustain a digital campaign aimed at ending rape culture on campus. I presented different ways to use social media, including a hashtag campaign, Tweet chats, Tweet storms, Snapchat filters, and more. We also delved into what various campuses have successfully achieved by using social media. This workshop included time for participants to break out into small groups and brainstorm and conceptualize their own campaigns.
Though I only had 50 minutes for this presentation (when I could have talked for HOURS!) I was thrilled with how engaged my audience was and how many questions they asked. Below is a copy of the Powerpoint I used, though this barely scratches the surface of all of the ways to use social media for your activism.
Digital Activism

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  1. […] a year ago I submitted my first-ever proposal for a conference and was shocked that it was accepted. Today, I got to recreate the experience and present the workshop […]

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